Thursday, November 15, 2007

ding-dang librarythang

Alright...I'm trying to keep Thumper's mom in my head (you know...if you can't say something nice...).

So, on the positive side: I understand "some" people really like librarything.

And now for my thoughts: eh. shrug.

It all began this morning when I decided to go ahead and do the next assignment. Read the directions, fine. Ready to plunge in. Librarything doesn't currently exist...can't be connected to...ain't a happenin' thing. Ah, the joys of technology. Yes, this builds my confidence tremendously...constant access to a record of "my library" available anytime, anywhere..except when it isn't.

I must admit, I was pretty uninterested in Librarything to begin with ...but with this development--well, jumping for joy might not be the words.

So once they got their act together, I mean server back up, I was ready to rock and tag. By this time, having no real interest in listing my actual reading habits online AND having reached yet another amusing pinacle of technological annoyance...I searched for luddite and added a bunch of books to "my library". They actually look pretty interesting and I might have to read some of them--so there's another positive comment, but I could have found the same books searching Amazon...without logging in guessed it, my brand new Librarything-specific username/password, ugh.

The extra stuff wasn't too hard to accomplish, heck I sorta did both since there's a link there in my last paragraph (for those of you following along at home) AND if you will look to the right...TA DA, my very own widget-fed thang.

Now, remember if the thang has a title and no little books in it--Librarything ain't happenin'. If there is no blog--Blogger ain't happenin'. If there is no power--ain't none of it happenin'. I'd go into further trouble-shooting, but I think you get the point.

So, final assessment. I guess this could be useful for some. Don't see much point for me. It's kind of a big time-suck and spending a bunch of time organizing virtual books when I already am short on time to READ....well, doesn't fit into my current priorities. If my job entailed serious readers' advisory duties I would pursue this, don't and I won't.

Thank you for reading this episode of "why I'd rather do something away from a computer". Back to my hole.

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