Thursday, November 29, 2007

totally Tubular, dude...yeah, I mean You...YouTube, that is

Time to get sucked into the never ending links, watching videos of all sorts, forgetting where you are, and certainly where you meant to be.

As we all know, TVs and similar moving lighted things (like candles and campfires) can be completely hypnotic, so proceed with caution. Also, don't sit too close or your mom will yell at you (this applies to the flaming stuff too, mom's are picky).

I did the assignment searches and watched library pacman and Library: the movie plus a couple of bookcart drill teams, one in competition and one demonstrating for co-workers . That was all well and good, then I searched for the KRL one, which I won't link so others can find it themselves--it isn't too hard for people who do database searching as part of our jobs...but I don't want to give anything away. Finally, for the work-related stuff--here's a link to a catalog searching tutorial (not our system, but I'm doing homework here...).

Now for the fun stuff. I looked at some knitting related videos, both fun and instructional types (for those of you beginner knitters--or even wannabe knitters that we haven't already been tutoring--there's some pretty good how-to if you can't remember and there's no real live knitter [RLK?] to ask).

So, without further ado (if you want more ado it'll cost ya)...A Cautionary Tale:

And, if you aren't too scared to knit after that one (I figure it's just a matter of wrong time, wrong place...but maybe I'll add a parachute to my knitting bag) here's a quick demonstration of knitting backwards--it really works, this isn't a camera trick:

And now that I've given you yet more time-sucking screen-time (albeit entertaining and educational), back into the hole

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

can you smell the turkey fumes yet?

So, is anyone else feeling about ready to fall asleep in a recliner pretending to watch football? With the holiday week upon us and all my homework up to date...I'm just writing something to try to stay in the habit. It seems that the 2.0ers out there are losing their enthusiasm, not much going on in blogland.

So my contribution to the webverse is a book recommendation: Unexpected Knitting by Debbie New (held by krl). This woman is my hero...she knit a boat, a lace coracle (round bowl-like boat, single paddler) can I not be completely impressed. There are several pictures and some info on the boat in the book--no pattern though, sigh. The book is sort of an exploration of the art and science of knitting. There are patterns, but also a lot of theory so that you can grow and explore on your own.

Well, I hope everyone enjoys stuffing themselves and stays safe in any travelling. Remember Friday is Buy Nothing Day for those who wish to fight the over consumption trend, or it's "go buy more crap you don't need and can't afford day" for the average American. I like to think of myself as not average (some call it weird, but the Pollyanna in me chooses to put a positive spin on things).

Into my hole, must bake pies.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

ding-dang librarythang

Alright...I'm trying to keep Thumper's mom in my head (you know...if you can't say something nice...).

So, on the positive side: I understand "some" people really like librarything.

And now for my thoughts: eh. shrug.

It all began this morning when I decided to go ahead and do the next assignment. Read the directions, fine. Ready to plunge in. Librarything doesn't currently exist...can't be connected to...ain't a happenin' thing. Ah, the joys of technology. Yes, this builds my confidence tremendously...constant access to a record of "my library" available anytime, anywhere..except when it isn't.

I must admit, I was pretty uninterested in Librarything to begin with ...but with this development--well, jumping for joy might not be the words.

So once they got their act together, I mean server back up, I was ready to rock and tag. By this time, having no real interest in listing my actual reading habits online AND having reached yet another amusing pinacle of technological annoyance...I searched for luddite and added a bunch of books to "my library". They actually look pretty interesting and I might have to read some of them--so there's another positive comment, but I could have found the same books searching Amazon...without logging in guessed it, my brand new Librarything-specific username/password, ugh.

The extra stuff wasn't too hard to accomplish, heck I sorta did both since there's a link there in my last paragraph (for those of you following along at home) AND if you will look to the right...TA DA, my very own widget-fed thang.

Now, remember if the thang has a title and no little books in it--Librarything ain't happenin'. If there is no blog--Blogger ain't happenin'. If there is no power--ain't none of it happenin'. I'd go into further trouble-shooting, but I think you get the point.

So, final assessment. I guess this could be useful for some. Don't see much point for me. It's kind of a big time-suck and spending a bunch of time organizing virtual books when I already am short on time to READ....well, doesn't fit into my current priorities. If my job entailed serious readers' advisory duties I would pursue this, don't and I won't.

Thank you for reading this episode of "why I'd rather do something away from a computer". Back to my hole.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

what, this old thing?

Chalk up one more for low tech
After months of work with no keyboards or circuits, just my hands and knitting needles...the shawl is complete. Thanks to my buddy Bubbles I am able to show off without delay.
I guess that's about all I have to say, haven't been 2.0ing over the weekend and I'm thinking I'll save the next assignment for later. I've accomplished enough for now. I'll just rest on my laurels (wrapped in my shawl).
Into the hole I go.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

All the Lonely People...

So, after my whining and ranting it occurred to me...fight the flow. Obviously, many people are lonely or at least want more social contact. This is why all these web things have the emphasis on "social" --networking, bookmarking, photo-sharing, creating groups/communities/networks/relationships, etc.

I am well aware how hard it is to make friends as an adult, especially if you move/change jobs (which is more the norm than it used to be and I know I've done plenty of it). It ain't like when you're a kid and you meet other kids and it's kind of a given that you just play together and become friends(although kids can also be total jerks, so sometimes it doesn't work--but you get the idea). People want to have social interaction and there aren't always easy forums to meet others, especially those you actually might have some things in common with and want to talk to.

Here's what I'm thinking...DRUMROLL PLEASE....

The library as a place for people to meet and interact...IN PERSON...I know it's a shocking suggestion.

The popularity of the chess night at Downtown Bremerton only proves people want to interact with PEOPLE. You know people can play chess on the computer against the computer or against others online....and yet people are coming in to play in person on a weeknight. Maybe it's just more satisfying to face your actual opponent (it certainly is more fun to trash-talk a person than a computer monitor, I mean "in your screen" just isn't the same as "in your face").

So that's my brilliant suggestion. Learn all this 2.0 stuff and use it some--it's important to stay current. this ever-digitizing world...create a space and opportunities for actual human interaction and socializing...AT THE LIBRARY!!!

Now that I've dazzled you with innovation...back in the hole.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Flickr-ing, flick, flick, flick

As an online photo book this seems cool enough. It wasn't too hard to set up, although I had to do yet another set of getting username/password stuff because (of course) Flickr is a Yahoo product instead of a Google product. It really is kind of getting ridiculous how many "accounts" a person must (well, to participate...I'm still not convinced of the necessity of any of this--computers in general, not just the 2.0 generation of gadgets) have to navigate through it all.

So, despite the ongoing trauma of finding unused usernames in cyberspace...I have a Flickr account. I found it a bit annoying that it didn't seem to put the pictures in the order I uploaded them, but once I made them a set and titled them with numbers in the order taken (argh!!) ...they can be viewed in order. If you follow the link, then click on the set (right hand side) "kayak", then click "view as a slideshow"....then you can see a series of pictures from the kit in the box to the actual boat on the water launch.

The whole flickr site seems a bit awkward. If you try to explore via the map, it's kinda clunky and slow (real estate site maps work faster). I know pictures are a lot of data, but the map page has all these extra boxes actually blocking part of the map and when you hit the arrows to look at a different part of the map it jumps way too far. The random "interesting" pictures might be fun and searching for some kind of specific image could be useful.

The site seems to be pretty good about reminding you of privacy issues and it appears that people put up everything from beautiful art quality photos to the pictures of the drunk friend hovering over a toilet (I couldn't tell you exactly where I saw that one, but I bet if you searched there would be no shortage of similar pictures). I had no interest in joining a "group" or "inviting" friends. I even scoffed at some of the language about building relationships...if people didn't spend so much time plugged into the various screens in our lives, maybe they could maintain the real relationships instead of having to quest for strangers online.

I mean, how many of us get to spend as much time as we would like to with our friends and family (or pets, or alone for that matter)? We're so busy working, commuting, running errands, maintaining our households and lives that we don't even know ourselves. Is a bunch of strangers who take similar pictures the only solution? I think it can be good for people to find those with similar interests online, but can't we at least try the real people in our general vicinity first?

OK, enough ranting. I'm not including any amusing picture with this post, so you'll have to look at my kayak pics for visual stimulation, I've played with pictures enough for today. I'm going back to the hole and hide for awhile.