Tuesday, November 20, 2007

can you smell the turkey fumes yet?

So, is anyone else feeling about ready to fall asleep in a recliner pretending to watch football? With the holiday week upon us and all my homework up to date...I'm just writing something to try to stay in the habit. It seems that the 2.0ers out there are losing their enthusiasm, not much going on in blogland.

So my contribution to the webverse is a book recommendation: Unexpected Knitting by Debbie New (held by krl). This woman is my hero...she knit a boat, a lace coracle (round bowl-like boat, single paddler)...how can I not be completely impressed. There are several pictures and some info on the boat in the book--no pattern though, sigh. The book is sort of an exploration of the art and science of knitting. There are patterns, but also a lot of theory so that you can grow and explore on your own.

Well, I hope everyone enjoys stuffing themselves and stays safe in any travelling. Remember Friday is Buy Nothing Day for those who wish to fight the over consumption trend, or it's "go buy more crap you don't need and can't afford day" for the average American. I like to think of myself as not average (some call it weird, but the Pollyanna in me chooses to put a positive spin on things).

Into my hole, must bake pies.

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