Tuesday, October 9, 2007

First Light/43 Things

Ok, on the list of 43 things that the author wants to learn several have nothing to do with anything I can do. Not because I have a bad attitude (which I do sometimes have), but because I don't have the technology...literally. I don't have a cell phone, my home computer software is to the level of out-of-date that it just freezes up if I try to get to a web page that has anything flashy on it (like changing pictures), it can almost handle pages that are just text. I like taking pictures with a film camera, although I will often get them on cd so I can email them to people, but I can only do this from work or as a library patron--don't own the technology.

As for the rest of the list, very little of it is anything I would come up with the desire/need to learn on my own. The out-of-date computer at my house is rarely turned on. Most of my interests and hobbies cannot be pursued while attached to an electronic box. Even as things I want to learn for work I'm still not sure most of it would apply to my everyday duties. I can see where the blog stuff could be useful for committee communications, but it also seems like every separate blog and email account just adds to side work and pulls us away from our primary work duties.

I also watched the video podcast on lifelong learning, which I liked better because of having less emphasis on just technology learning. I tend to use the technology to learn other things (getting patterns/instructions off the web, looking through the online catalog to find books or instructional DVDs) more than learning the technology for its own sake. Basically, I'm comfortable with computers, use them for my purposes and try not to get used by them. Plus, I spend 40 hours a week with the thing--I have other things that need to get done.

That's my first post. Now back into my hole.


Knots said...

Now I want to watch the lifelong learning podcast. Sounds more in line with what would appeal to me than the 43 things post.

katoutthere said...

your web page is very dark - like as if you were underground or something....cool!

Cataloger said...

You're having an interesting life in reality. I like real life, too, and if I want "virtual" life I dive into books-- the perfect technology.

dulcigal said...

Reality, even when it's tough, is definitely the best (and I'm a die-hard techie.) I'm adding a link to your blog from my blog. Hope you don't mind!

kli said...

You are so right! I love all the cool stuff we can do with new technology but people need to get off their butts and do something in the REAL world.

dogrescuer said...

I'd like to watch the lifelong learning podcast, too! For instance, I would love to learn about other countries, but not only by reading about them online or in books but by visiting them and living the experience. It is so hard to find the time away from our work and away from our computers, that I really admire how you, in a way, distance yourself from those things and enjoy life!

shirlee said...

I'll just come right out with it: I LOVE your blog. Sounds so "down to earth" and full of homey wisdom!