Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Books from Blogs, how to get hype?

OK, so last night I was sitting there darning a sock (yes, darning--needle, yarn, wooden "egg"--holding the old-fashioned belief that things that can be repaired, should be) and watching a DVD (about quilting, so you'll have to work out the high-tech vs. low-tech math for yourself). I was thinking about the nice comments people have written on my blog (Thank you, by the way.) and how some blogs get big followings and turn into books (Yarn Harlot, Julie and Julia, Wendy Knits, and Crazy Aunt Purl's Drunk, Divorced, and Covered in Cat Hair to name a few--all held by KRL [the links are to the blogs, KRL has the books]).

So, I was developing a theory on how to get a "fan base"--anyone can use this, 'cause I'm not going to--by getting your blog to pop up in search-engine results. The idea would be to just randomly use as many words/word sets as you could think of that you think people are plugging into Google (i.e. naked, free, buy, sell, sex, bare, knitting, patterns, etc.) to just get random people to find you. Take the examples above and expand the list and see if you are suddenly getting book contract offers (or maybe being stalked by all the perverts and pedophiles online--just check out the news, they may be the only ones looking). If you get famous, feel free to acknowledge me in your book, oh and 10% of your profits wouldn't be turned away.

Now that I've offered my enlightened plan for your future...back in the hole.


Cataloger said...

Thanks for the link to Crazy Aunt Purl-- she's a hoot!

Rooster said...

How much would you charge to knit me a hat?