Thursday, January 10, 2008

Call me antisocial, or just don't call me...

OK, I am fully aware that I am a bit antisocial (not in a scary serial killer way, just more of a loner/homebody...maybe I'm the Lone Ranger...whatever). I'm not big on socializing for its own sake.

I have friends, I spend time with them--TA DA. I'm not a socialite party-girl, attender of gala events, frequenter of any 'scene', member of a bunch of clubs, hipster, scenester, 'one to watch', or any of that. Needless to say (but I'm gonna) this attitude tends to carry over to my opinion of social networking online. So, for me... I AIN'T interested. But the homework is not about me....

The tour of facebook was actually more plain than I expected for such a popular thing...pretty boring actually. I'm glad to see they have some control for privacy, but the stuff in the news sure suggests not everyone is using it. I guess the popular part comes once you get farther in. I'm curious, but not curious enough to create another online thing (fine--Profile--I know the terminology) which I would have to make up a bunch of lies to remain anonymous and then it would be floating cybertrash that I would abandon after glancing around a bit--I don't want a t-shirt that bad.

The Farkas article was very interesting. I think she raised good points and I really hope that if KRL is going to try facebook for the public it follows the non-lame approach...I do wonder who's going to have the time to do it all. I again dwell on the whole question of if there is really a need or if it's just fun to play with the new toys (which I was pleased to see Farkas raise in her piece as well--even though she's very into the techie stuff, thus proving in a way that I'm not just being a pouty luddite).

I'm not sure what we would be trying to do on facebook as an organization. It brings up some of the questions about communication raised by/in today's training. The question was brought up that there are still internal communication issues. To me this seems to be creating a barrier for communication externally as well. I wonder if the insulated bubble is really being pulled back or not. I see/hear things in the community that make me think we (or some of we) on the inside really don't know what kind of place they/we live and who else we're sharing it with. I love where I live, but I KNOW that many people who also live here love it for entirely different and sometimes opposite reasons and if I want to live here they are part of the deal. It's what makes for a community--diversity is in ideas and attitudes as much, if not more than in race/ethnicity/income/education/background/heritage.

I think a lot of corporate buzzwords have been circulating around lately, so I'm putting my vote in again for my favorite--TRANSPARENCY. Let's be open and honest with each other. Let's not fall into Us vs. Them traps. Certainly the only way the 'team' is going to come through any crisis and move forward is together--which requires communicating and being supportive. People who feel that things are dictated from above in secret meetings have trouble getting behind the message. Plus, the message has been dished out in a bit of a hodge-podge so people aren't going to get behind what they just plain don't get (comprende?). on a bit of a soapbox there...but it's the truth (my version, of course), so I'll leave it as is--somebody has to start with something in communicating....I'm for my hole.

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